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  • Derrick (User Support Technician, Lake Michigan College)

I went in to the group policy training with a basic knowledge of group policy. The college I work for had a real need for group policy for software deployments, printer mapping, drive mapping as well as other needs. We found enough information about how to get these group policies created and deployed but when they did not work we ran into brick walls. After the five days of watching the videos of Jeremy I had a very good understanding of all aspects of group policy. The knowledge you get from these courses goes beyond how to make GPOs but also how the entire process works. You get troubleshooting experience and he ever tells you what tools you can use depending on the issues. This knowledge was very useful from day one when I got back to work. Also the knowledge of the order of precedence helped me a lot understand how the settings are applied and why some settings were not making in down to the client. The “green” book is a group policy bible. It never leaves my desk. If you feel you could use more knowledge of group policy then take this course. The content is top notch and the presentation is first rate. Thanks for all the knowledge!