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Nov 2013

Microsoft's Official Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 GP Excel Spreadsheet

In the last post, I posted about how Ryan (a fellow GPanswers Team member like you) spent some quality time with the ADMX files from Microsoft and produced his own “What’s new in Windows 8.1” XLS spreadsheet.

This week Microsoft caught up..and the official spreadsheet is out. Note: As of THIS writing, the official ADMX file download is NOT out, but the spreadsheet IS.

The link is here:

Here are some tips:

  • First: Dont download the WRONG spreadsheet. The one you want is  WindowsServer2012R2andWindows8.1GroupPolicySettings.xlsx and is 319k.
  • Next: Use Column D and set it to TRUE to see the LATEST (Win 8.1 only / newest) policy settings.
  • Finally: Use the entire Security tab to see the security specific settings. And in that tab,  check out COL H and G.. Where Col H is “reboot required?” and G are interesting notes about those security settings.

Hope this helps you out !

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